SFM 75 Alligare's SFM 75 offers long-lasting control of challenging grasses and broadleaf weeds in rights-of-way, industrial areas, forestry locations,…
TEBUTHIURON 20P Alligare Tebuthiuron 20P offers pre- and post-emergent control of hard-to-kill species and is an excellent herbicide for maintaining…
TEBUTHIURON 80 WG A herbicide for preemergence and postemergence use. Controls woody plant species, brush and weeds on non-crop areas, including…
TRICLOPYR 3 Herbicide for the control of woody plants, vines, annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in forests and non-crop areas.
TRICLOPYR 4 A Herbicide for Control of Woody Plants, Annuals and Perennial Broadleaf Weeds in Forests, Grass Pastures, Rangeland, CRP…
TRIUMPH® 22K Keep your grass while removing unwanted vegetation, with Alligare's Triumph 22K. This selective herbicide sets the standard in…
TRIUMPH® RTU Convenient and effective control of unwanted woody plants in a ready-to-use 1-quart squirt bottle. No mixing or measuring…