FLAGSTAFF® Alligare's Flagstaff herbicide provides selective, post-emergent control and suppression by controlling stubborn and resistant vegetation.
GUNSLINGER® AMP PASTURE HERBICIDE Control broadleaf weeds and amplify pasture performance with this broad-spectrum, extended-residual herbicide
PRESCOTT HERBICIDE The premier choice for broadleaf weed and brush control in permanent grass pastures
SONORA® HERBICIDE Alligare's Sonora herbicide offers exceptional selectivity while managing your pastures, roadsides, forest sites, and other sites with unwanted…
TRIUMPH® RTU Convenient and effective control of unwanted woody plants in a ready-to-use 1-quart squirt bottle. No mixing or measuring…
WHETSTONE® HERBICIDE A reliable partner for superior, yet selective, control of numerous broadleaf weeds, vines, and woody plants