2,4-D AMINE For control of many broadleaf weeds and brush control in corn, soybeans (preplant), small grains, pastures, rangelands, and…
ARGOS This rapid response, contact algaecide will bring beauty to your delicate and challenging to treat target waterways.
ECOMAZAPYR 2 SL A powerful, broad-spectrum herbicide that combats numerous species in multiple ecosystems
FLUMIGARD® HERBICIDE This flexible herbicide provides quick contact control in aquatic, forestry, and bare-ground environments
FLUMIGARD® SC HERBICIDE This flexible herbicide provides quick contact control in aquatic, forestry, and bare-ground environments
FLURIDONE Clean your waterways of troublesome, invasive weed species with Alligare's Fluridone, recreational activities continue while floating, emergent, and…
GLYPHOSATE 5.4 A foliar herbicide spray for the control or destruction of many herbaceous and woody plants.
IMAZAPYR 4 SL Alligare's Imazapyr 4 SL offers broad spectrum control of 185 annual, biennial, and perennial weeds and brush. The…
IMOX® This systemic herbicide provides exceptional weed control while maintaining the integrity of environmentally sensitive areas
TRICLOPYR 3 Herbicide for the control of woody plants, vines, annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in forests and non-crop areas.