GUNSLINGER® AMP PASTURE HERBICIDE Control broadleaf weeds and amplify pasture performance with this broad-spectrum, extended-residual herbicide
GUNSLINGER® P+D Designed for grazing spaces, Alligare's Gunslinger P+D can be used on desirable grasses while controlling challenging weeds and…
KROVAR® IVM Alligare's Krovar IVM herbicide provides proven, season-long control of annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds.
MAINLINE™ HERBICIDE Unparalleled flexibility and dual-action control for the most demanding environments
TASKMASTER® Taskmaster provides excellent control of some of the toughest weeds in the Range & Pasture and Transportation &…
TEBUTHIURON 80 WG A herbicide for preemergence and postemergence use. Controls woody plant species, brush and weeds on non-crop areas, including…
WHETSTONE® HERBICIDE A reliable partner for superior, yet selective, control of numerous broadleaf weeds, vines, and woody plants