DICAMBA 4 For Weed Control in Corn, Sorghum, Small Grains, Pasture, Hay, Rangeland, General Farmstead (Non-Cropland), Fallow, Cotton, Sugarcane, Asparagus,…
ECOMAZAPYR® 2 SL A powerful, broad-spectrum herbicide that combats numerous species in multiple ecosystems
GUNSLINGER® AMP PASTURE HERBICIDE Control broadleaf weeds and amplify pasture performance with this broad-spectrum, extended-residual herbicide
IMAZAPYR 4 SL Alligare's Imazapyr 4 SL offers broad spectrum control of 185 annual, biennial, and perennial weeds and brush. The…
KROVAR® IVM Alligare's Krovar IVM herbicide provides proven, season-long control of annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds.
MOJAVE 70 EG A dispersible granule intended to be mixed with water and surfactant(s) for application to non-crop areas such as…
PRESCOTT HERBICIDE The premier choice for broadleaf weed and brush control in permanent grass pastures
ROTARY 2 SL Alligare's Rotary 2 SL is a proprietary formulation that provides excellent control of undesirable vegetation in forestry site…
SONORA® HERBICIDE Alligare's Sonora herbicide offers exceptional selectivity while managing your pastures, roadsides, forest sites, and other sites with unwanted…
TASKMASTER® Taskmaster provides excellent control of some of the toughest weeds in the Range & Pasture and Transportation &…
TRIUMPH® 22K Keep your grass while removing unwanted vegetation, with Alligare's Triumph 22K. This selective herbicide sets the standard in…